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We are grateful to companies and individuals who have generously donated their expertise to FHRC.

These Key Partners are critical to fulfilling our mission!  


Bank of America employees have volunteered since our existence in 2009! In the beginning, they volunteered to decorate wreaths in our large mausoleum when we had no office or heat or bathrooms; sometimes it was cold.

They continued to volunteer decorating wreaths, raising veteran markers, clearing flat markers, weeding gardens and lily beds and painting the chain link fence. Volunteers cleared weeds and vines on the fence line, planted flowers in the gardens and trimmed trees. Bank of America donated paint, brushes, weed trimmers, branch clippers and work gloves. They also placed flags on veterans graves for Memorial Day and donated to the Pearl Center, a place for homeless veterans in Wilmington. Here are a few of the wonderful Bank of America volunteers who have helped Riverview Cemetery through the years:


The incoming freshman class of plumbers have volunteered at Riverview the last three years led by Jonathan Cochran, Plumbing Instructor. Their participation is part of a school-wide volunteer day of community service. The students have mulched our garden beds, planted flowers, and painted section letters and numbers so that visiting families can locate their loved ones in our

42-acre cemetery.

Mailing Address: Friends of Historic Riverview Cemetery • 3300 North Market Street Wilmington, DE 19802-2730 • 302 762 4705


Cemeteries are Cities of Stone

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